13 Labrador Retriever  Gerçeği

13 Labrador Retriever Facts

Labrador Retrievers, which have been our loyal friends for years, have a structure that can undertake many tasks from hunting to guiding. We present you 13 scientific facts you need to know about Labrador Retrievers.

Our sweet friends Labrador Retriever There is no one who does not know this breed of dog. These creatures, which have been our loyal friends for centuries with their friendly and social nature, also have many good qualities such as emotional, intelligent and patient . Our centuries-old unity Therefore, we become more curious about their origin and structure and conduct some scientific research.

They are actually good hunters thanks to their fast and agile nature. Labrador Retriever Dogs of this breed also love water. Especially in the past, they have been the best helpers of fishermen, thanks to their ability to dive nimbly into cold waters and catch fish. In addition to being good fishermen, Labradors can also take on many roles, including great family companions, guides, search and rescue workers, and hunters. However, today, rather than general information about them, We will take a closer look at the information obtained through scientific research .

Labrador Retriever Where does the name come from?

Labradors are actually related to the regions where they were first bred, namely St. They were called Johns or Newfoundland dogs. Fishermen in this region bred different breeds of dogs in search of small-sized water-oriented helpers. As a result They are both human-friendly and have hunting skills like their ancestors. A type of output that has.

There are a few rumors about the name Labrador. The first rumor is based on the visit of an English Count to Canada. On his return from this visit, he brings a cute puppy he saw in Canada to Europe and names it Labrador. The second rumor is that the dogs were named after a city in the region where they were first seen. located in northern Canada The city of Labrador is the homeland of these dogs.

1. They have to exercise frequently, they can behave aggressively in closed areas:

This breed, which has an agile and athletic structure, needs intense exercise to release its energy. Labradors that are not taken for a long walk at least once a day, such as chewing objects and running away from home may act aggressively. Most of the time, people who adopt a Labrador may experience problems due to this situation. If you have a Labrador friend, you need to set up an area where he can be active, just so you know.

2. They are among the fastest dogs:

to the clock 20 km speed These dogs are really fast runners. Of course, their runners here are not as fast as greyhounds bred only for running. However, when it comes to speed, Labradors fully meet the previous item, energetic natures.

3. They are willing to endure difficult conditions to return home:

Labradors are a breed that is truly resistant to harsh conditions. According to records, a lost Labrador named Jimpa is in Australia to find his home. Walking for 3218 kilometers had to. This distance is more than enough to show Labradors' loyalty and endurance to their homes.

4. Their feathers are waterproof; even when they enter water, very little water touches their skin:

This breed, which has thick fur and webbed toes, is very resistant to water. There is very little water contact between the skin and the feathers. At the same time Because their feathers do not retain water It does not make them carry extra weight. Although their feathers give them an advantage in cold weather, they really give their owners nightmares when the molting season comes.

5. They have webbed feet like ducks:

In addition to being excellent hunters, Labradors also love water. They can jump into cold waters without fear and have served alongside fishermen for many years throughout history. They swim fast and swim in current waters. compared to most people They can direct themselves better. The webs on their feet are the biggest helpers.

6. They can guide people by:

These dogs are mostly used as guide dogs, thanks to their size, easy adaptation to the environment and easy training. For example, according to the American Guide Dog Association, which shares clear data in this field , 70% of communities have Labrador retrievers. Guided by.

7. Natural experts in search and rescue:

Labradors are the most suitable dog breed to be used in the search and rescue team, thanks to their extraordinary abilities. Better than many other dog breeds They have the ability to detect odors and can work by distinguishing odors from each other in all kinds of environments. Because of their love for people and their obedience, they are indispensable dogs of search and rescue teams. They can remember their owners' scents even years later.

8. They can tell if you have cancer by:

Thanks to their powerful noses, Labradors can be trained to detect cancer in its early stages. These breeds are trained by sniffing cancer cell samples and are then able to make a diagnosis by smelling the patient's breath, feces or blood.

It is even said that in order to diagnose ovarian cancer in its early stages, the patient should be allowed to be sniffed by a Labrador retriever. The accuracy rate in the tests is actually quite high. Scientists say Labradors volatile organic compounds found in cancer cells They state that they can help with diagnosis. Medical devices that distinguish odors using the same technique are now being developed for potential cancer patients who are afraid of dogs.

9. The Labrador breed nearly became extinct:

Can you believe this breed is almost extinct? In their homeland of Newfound in the 1800s, if you had a dog, you had to pay taxes. The government only allowed people to own one dog. Especially if your dog is female, You had to pay higher taxes . That's why many farmers unfortunately had to kill their female puppies. Fortunately, when these dogs arrived in Europe, they became so popular that the number of members of the breed began to increase again.

10. Officially, there are no significant differences between the English Labrador and the American Labrador:

Neither the English Labrador comes from England nor the American Labrador comes from America. There are only structural differences between them. For example, English Labradors are a little shorter and larger and display behaviors more suitable for family life. This makes them a complete show dog.

American Labradors, on the other hand, have a more talented structure to work in various tasks such as search and rescue. Genetically, there is no difference between these two species, as is thought. Unfortunately, the nationalities in their names stem from the fact that the culture of ownership has not become widespread.

11. Apart from black, brown and yellow, there are two more colors of Labrador dogs:

Labradors, which are the most popular today, are generally found in yellow, black and brown colors, but in history silver and dark red Labradors have also been encountered. The beauty of the silver-colored Labrador, especially, can be truly eye-catching, but it is not possible to come across Labradors of this color very often.

12. The colors of the puppies may differ from each other:

Regardless of the colors of their mothers and fathers, the colors of Labrador Retriever puppies can be completely different from each other. This means that black, brown and yellow puppies can appear from the same mother. We can compare this situation to the diversity of eye colors seen in humans.

13. Average life expectancy

The lifespan of a Labrador retriever is generally It varies between 10 and 14 years . However, there are also factors that affect this period. The lifespan of these sweet friends also depends on their nutrition, genetics and health. Average life expectancy may vary depending on the conditions of the environment in which they live.

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