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Why Does My Dog Sleep So Much?

Fatigue in dogs is a symptom that can occur with many different health problems. If your dog is acting lethargic, they need to be examined by a veterinarian to determine the real cause and the best treatment.

You can read this article to understand if your dog is sluggish and to distinguish fatigue from fatigue, to learn the possible causes of sluggishness in dogs and when you should call the veterinarian.

What is Fatigue in Dogs?

Lethargy is defined as a lack of energy and enthusiasm, but what does this mean for your dog? It's important to understand whether your dog is truly lethargic or just tired.

It may be difficult to make this distinction, but you know your dog better than anyone. By noticing when your dog is lethargic and acting proactively, you can help your veterinarian provide the best care for your dog.

What's the Difference Between a Lethargic Dog and a Tired Dog?

A lethargic dog is unusually inactive and uninterested in participating in normal activities. The severity of fatigue can vary, but ranges from slow movement to lack of interest in walks or games.

A tired dog might just be sleeping, but they can easily wake up and spring into action when they hear the sound of their treat jar or the rattle of their collar.

Is It Normal for a Dog to Be Lethargic?

If there is a good explanation for your dog's tiredness, it may be normal.

For example, if you took a long walk or got a large amount of exercise (especially in hot weather), your dog may sleep for hours afterward. If your dog has stayed in a daycare or boarding facility, they can often be very excited and alert there and be exhausted when they get home.

Unless there is any unusual activity or exertion that may be causing your pet to sleep more than usual or act more tired than usual, you are likely dealing with fatigue and your dog may need veterinary care.

Dogs, like people, need more sleep when they are very young or very old. Young puppies are like babies and spend most of their time eating and sleeping. However, puppies can often wake up easily, and a puppy having difficulty waking up may indicate another problem. For example, if you are having trouble waking your puppy, you may be dealing with a low blood sugar situation.

Older dogs also tend to nap more and tire more quickly from walks and games. Also, they may not hear well, so they may not wake up easily when you come in. But once they wake up, they should be alert and ready to participate in activities, unless they are truly just tired and sluggish.

Reasons That Make Dogs Lethargic

The causes of fatigue in dogs may vary depending on age. Here are the most likely causes of fatigue based on dogs' life stages.

Weakness in Dogs of All Ages

Dogs of all ages can become lethargic with a variety of illnesses, such as infections or injuries. Low thyroid levels can cause fatigue in dogs; It is especially common in breeds such as Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Dobermans, Dachshunds and Boxers.

Recognizing that your dog is lethargic at an early stage and getting the symptoms treated by the vet before they get worse can make a big difference. This can help your dog get back to normal as quickly as possible.

Weakness in Puppies

Young puppies may suffer from hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), which can cause profound lethargy. This condition is most common in puppies under 4 months of age and in toy breeds. Their liver may not have enough reserves to raise blood sugar levels, especially if they are not eating well.

They may not eat well when they are trying to adjust to their new home or if they eat something that affects their normal appetite.

Weakness in Old Dogs

Older dogs may be more frequently affected by conditions that cause pain, such as arthritis and other joint conditions. Dogs often hide the pain and don't show symptoms until it gets to the point where they can't stand it, so you really have to carefully observe and help if your dog isn't keen on doing the things he normally does.

Elderly people are also more prone to internal problems with their organs, such as tumors or heart problems. This can cause a real lack of energy, which is the first symptom.

When Should You Consult a Veterinarian in Case of Weakness in Your Dog?

If you think your dog is really lethargic and is different from his normal behavior, checking with your vet sooner is always the right step.

If your dog is lethargic and has any of the following symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately. These are emergency symptoms:

  • Pale gums (which may indicate internal bleeding and lead to life-threatening anemia)
  • Bloated abdomen (may be a sign of bloating or other abdominal emergencies)
  • Difficulty breathing or blue/pink tongue color (requires immediate medical attention, usually caused by heart or lung problems)

Other Signs of Lethargic Dogs

If your dog is lethargic, he may also show other symptoms. Here are some common symptoms that may occur with fatigue and what these combinations mean:

Weakness and Tremors

If your dog is listless and shaky, this is usually a sign of pain. You may not know where the pain is originating, but it indicates that your dog is uncomfortable and not feeling well. Sometimes the dog doesn't know what's wrong and moves as little as possible to try to reduce the pain.

This condition may occur due to an inflammatory disc or other neurological problem, such as spinal pain. Soft tissue injuries or gastrointestinal pain can often lead to weakness and tremors.

Weakness and Vomiting

If your dog is lethargic and vomiting at the same time, it usually indicates that he has a gastrointestinal problem. This could mean that something they ate is bothering them or could be a sign of a more serious condition.

Possible Reasons Why Your Dog Is Sleeping More Than Normal

Age and Race

Age is one of the important factors that affects your dog's sleep patterns. When your dog is a puppy, he plays actively and sleeps deeply. Older dogs also tend to rest more. Additionally, large breeds (such as Mastiffs, St. Bernards, and Great Pyrenees dogs) need more sleep.

However, there is no single age that determines whether your dog is an “old dog.” Due to life expectancy, a Great Dane can be considered old at 5 years old, while a Pomeranian can be considered old at 7 or 8 years old.


Dogs that are active and busy are less likely to show signs of fatigue. Dogs that do nothing usually sleep. But is your dog actually sleeping or just bored?

Bored dogs may also show signs of stress and anxiety:

  • wander around
  • Stretch
  • Chewing

If you can't tell whether your pet is sleeping or just bored, review your dog's daily routine. Did you provide adequate exercise? Have you made time for games or training sessions that encourage mental stimulation?

If your dog is bored, he usually won't move around or sleep during the day. The behavior of a bored pet may show up in familiar behaviors such as barking, digging, or chewing on something it doesn't need to chew.

Low Quality Dog Food

An unbalanced and low-quality diet can lead to fatigue. If your pet doesn't get enough of the nutrients they need, they may become deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. A high-quality nutrition program can provide the fuel your pet needs to stay healthy. It is important to consult with your veterinarian to provide your dog with the best nutrition.

Health problem

If your dog is sleeping more than usual and is otherwise not energetic and active, there may be an underlying health problem. However, if changes in your dog's sleep patterns occur along with other symptoms or you have concerns, it is best to contact your veterinarian. The vet can assess your dog's health and identify any problems that may be affecting his sleep patterns.


All animals can experience hypothyroidism, but this condition is most common in dogs.8 Your dog's thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate metabolism. Hypothyroidism occurs when your dog's thyroid gland does not secrete enough hormones, causing their metabolism to slow down.


Diabetes occurs when your dog's body does not produce enough insulin or cannot use insulin properly. Without insulin working properly, their bodies cannot break down sugar into fuel. As a result, sugar (glucose) remains in the bloodstream, instead of nourishing the body.
The main symptoms of pet diabetes are accompanied by excessive thirst and increased urination. The condition can be easily confirmed by testing for glucose in blood and urine.


Anemia is a condition that can be caused by other diseases. If your pet is anemic, this means that their blood has decreased red blood cells, hemoglobin, or both.

Organ Diseases

If your dog has a problem with an organ, it may be possible for him to suddenly sleep more than usual. Dogs with organ problems such as kidney, heart or liver disease may suffer. Dogs in pain often sleep more.

Viruses and Bacteria

Certain viral or bacterial infections can make your dog sleepy.

Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a disorder that occurs as a result of breathing problems. Dogs experiencing this condition may start and stop their breathing repeatedly throughout the night. This may cause the dog to wake up for air. Dogs with sleep apnea probably can't get a good night's sleep, causing them to be sleepy during the day.


Your dog's normal sleep patterns may vary depending on his age, health, activity level and other factors. However, if your dog is sleeping more than usual and showing signs of fatigue, there may be an underlying health problem. The best approach is to take your dog for evaluation by a veterinarian. The vet can assess your dog's health, run tests where necessary, and identify any problems that may be affecting his sleep patterns.

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