Evin İçine Dışkılama

Defecation in the House

Cats are often very particular about their toilet habits and will consistently use the litter box inside the house, if available, or defecate in the garden. Therefore, if he is defecating inside, this may be alarming.

Sometimes this can happen as a one-off accident if your cat is uncomfortable, trapped in a room, or suddenly frightened. The cat's health and welfare should be examined if it continues to defecate inappropriately in the house.

Whatever the reason, punishment is not a solution. This will only make the cat more fearful and worsen the problem. Deterrents such as aluminum foil, pepper, lemon peel, or a water gun only redirect the behavior, cause more anxiety, and delay the investigation of the underlying cause of the behavior. Although this issue is disturbing in nature, it is important to remember that this is not a dirty protest! The cat does not take revenge or retaliate; There's something wrong with his world and you need to do some detective work to figure out what it is.

Cleaning of defecation areas

Whether it's a genuine accident or not, when a cat defecates in a special place, its sensitive nose will encourage it to use the same place as a toilet on a regular basis.

The best way to kick the habit is to keep the cat away from this area for as long as possible, eliminating any scents the cat can detect and changing the layout using furniture to block its access. Wash this part with 10% biological solution or enzymatic powder detergent, rinse with cold water and let dry.

Why does my cat defecate in the house?

Every cat has a variety of reasons for starting to defecate in the house. The most common causes are listed below along with possible solutions. Discomfort. Urinary tract upset or diarrhea may cause defecation as the cat is restless or simply cannot go to the litter box or outside.

Discomfort . Urinary tract upset or diarrhea may cause defecation as the cat is restless or simply cannot go to the litter box or outside.

Possible solution : When treated by a veterinarian, most of the time the cat's habits will return to their normal proper shape. If they experience discomfort in the litter box, cats will sometimes continue to defecate inside; In this case, an additional litter box will need to be placed elsewhere and the cat will need to be encouraged to use it.

Advanced age . An older cat may not want to risk going outside in bad weather, or may have trouble using the cat door due to joint stiffness. As a cat gets older, it becomes more insecure and may perceive the presence of other cats in the environment as a threat.

Possible solution : At some point, it is almost inevitable that older cats will need safe and accessible toiletries in the house. Providing a litter box inside often solves this problem. It is always important to rule out medical causes of defecation in older cats.

Fear or anxiety . Cats are at their most vulnerable when defecating outdoors, and if they feel threatened they may stop doing so. Other cats are often the biggest problem; However, the neighbor's cat or even a sudden noise can also cause problems.

Possible solution : Providing a separate litter box in the house will eliminate the anxiety it feels and the cat will have to make a firm decision to find a suitable toilet location. It may also be helpful to accompany the cat on garden visits. Your cat may normally choose a place quite far from home as a toilet; Therefore, this can be useful to make your own garden more attractive. Create a toilet area in a quiet corner relatively close to the house (so it's easy to get back into the house) and mix in plenty of charcoal-free soil or sand.

Presence of foreigners . If there are strangers in the house and the cat will have to pass through the guest's room to access the litter box or go outside, then sometimes the cat will urinate or defecate inside the house. Some cats have 'home alone' anxiety when their owners go out and leave them alone to defend the home. The presence of a caring stranger can cause some cats to feel intense threat and consequently 'mark' an area, particularly their owner's bed, with a strong, familiar and reassuring scent.

Possible solution : place a litter box in the room where the cat seeks shelter in case he is 'caught off guard'. The best way to prevent 'home alone' defecation is to keep the bedroom door closed and try to get your cat used to having someone look after you in your absence. Some cats are particularly prone to stress when left behind alone, and visiting a reputable respite cat care center is really helpful for these cats.

Expert help . Indoor defecation can be completely corrected in many cats using the techniques outlined above. In some cases, the problem may persist for a longer period of time and it is recommended that you talk to your veterinarian rather than insisting on solving the problem on your own.

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